Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The great equalizer

This past week has once again forced me to admit that I am not invincible. I know, for some of you this news is a terrible blow. Take the time you need before continuing to read. The realization and subsequent admission was quite a shock to me as we'll.

The cause of my sobering reality check? Influenza.

For most of last week I nursed our eldest child through her descent into illness, then her diagnosis of flu, and her eventual recovery from this silly little infection, all the while maintaining my work schedule and ignoring the scratchy throat, the worsening cough, and stuffy nose that I was beginning to feel. I blamed my ill feelings on a nagging sinus infection. However, when everyone around me began mentioning, then pleading, that I go see my doctor, I just shrugged it off. Surely they did not realize that I don't get sick, not really sick, not sick enough to miss work. Allergies often bother me - they have since I was a kid. But I've learned to manage life with almost constant post-nasel drip, an occasional cough, and a nagging sinus headache. It has always been part of life for me. But really getting sick? Nope. Not me. I just push right through whatever ill feelings I might have. It might have been the hacking cough or the new deep smoker's voice that emanated from my lips whenever I spoke that caused me to finally heed the words of concern from family, co-workers, and students. What ultimately got my attention, however was my nose. I couldn't breathe. Yet, it was as it someone had turned on a faucet inside my face. I never knew one person could produce so much mucus or use so many tissues! Yuck!

When I finally admitted defeat and made an appointment with my doctor he scolded me for not calling him the minute that my daughter was diagnosed with the flu. He said he would have proscribed everyone in the house preventative doses of Tamiflu. That way I would not have fallen victim to the bug myself - and neither would Karlie (even though she had a flu shot she got the bug too).

When Dr. Robach came into the exam room before getting the results of my test he cheerfully asked, "Hey Nathan, how are you?!?" I croaked, "Just shoot me now," before doubling over in a fit of coughs. He watched my antics and said, "Hmm, you have the flu. That's what all of my flu patients say." And yes, the test was positive. Smart man.

Perhaps I could have avoided all of this had I taken the time to find a flu vaccine last fall. But I didn't. Karen got one as soon as she could. Karlie had one too. But Nat, Nick, and I just took our chances...and lost. I've not had the flu for the past 15 years or so. I didn't really think I was immune, but I certainly didn't go to any extra effort to find a vaccine this year. I asked a few times at the Kroger where I normally shop for groceries, but that's about it.

So now here I sit at home. I feel better - well, better than I did yesterday, and certainly better than the day before that. While my instinct is to get up, shower, get dressed, and head back to the office ('cause they just can't make it without me!), the coughs that return when I move too quickly or the light headedness and headache that comes on when I move around too much forces me to admit that I'm not quite as well as I want to be. I have to acknowledge that perhaps Mom is right (isn't she always right?). I need to wait until I am completely recovered before heading back to work. As she advised, "You don't want a relapse!" Nope. I don't.

But I'm bored. And so is Karlie. Mom used to say that she new we were getting well when we declared boredom - right again Mom! One can only put together so many puzzles, read so many books aloud, watch so many Disney movies and episodes of Drive-ins, Diners, and Dives before wigging out. I'm almost there. This morning I've managed to vacuum (OK, push start on Rumba, our vacuuming robot), rest, empty the dishwasher, rest, change the sheets on the bed, rest, put the sheets into the washing machine, rest, get Karlie some juice, rest, feed and walk the dog, rest, rest, rest, and now try to figure out what we are going to eat for lunch. Ramen is only a good option the first 5 times....maybe I'll venture up to Striplings for a hotdog. I'll have to sleep the afternoon away if I do that. And why not. I'm sure I could use the rest.

And next year I'm getting the vaccine as soon as it is available! I would advise you to do the same! I'd be willing to bet that you are not invincible either! And that's a bet I'll win!

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