Sunday, January 20, 2013

Faith can lead to crazy decisions: Meet Becca Stanley

When +Rebecca Stanley and her husband Adam announced that they were moving their young family to inner-city Atlanta, into the heart of poverty & in the midst of crime central, they got some odd looks and lots of questions. Lots of folks thought they were crazy. The decision was not made without a lot of thought and prayer. It was the result of years of working with inner city kids during the summer taking them away to camp, then returning them to the messy & complicated lives in Atlanta, and feeling that there needed to be a year-round ministry to offer hope, mentoring, and options for a better future.

In a sense, Adam and Becca decided to put their home where their heart was.

Lots of folks return from missions experiences with good feelings and tell folks, "that changed my life." For the Stanley's the summer work they did with they children of Atlanta really did change their lives. They fell in love with the children they met each summer. They sold their house in the suburbs and moved to live in the neighborhood where the children lived. The Stanleys see what they are doing as "incarnational ministry" - taking the Gospel that so changed their lives and living out their faith, grace, and love in such a way that it can make a huge difference in the lives of their neighbors.

When Becca was a student at UGA she was on the leadership team at the BCM. An amazing writer and story teller, Becca worked with our publicity, helping us to tell the story of BCM and to get word out about the various ministries we sponsored. Now she uses those same skills to report on the amazing work her family is doing as "urban missionaries." I encourage you to get to know The Stanley Clan by reading her blog, following their work, and praying for them in their mission field!

Perhaps more of us who follow Jesus will truly follow him with our whole lives - perhaps even to the extent of moving to a new place so that we can minister to those who need it the most. Heck, many of us just need to walk across the street to meet our neighbors where we live now! We need to allow the light and love of Jesus to penetrate the darkness all around us. We need to use the gifts, passions, and calling in our lives like Becca and Adam have done to make a difference, allowing our faith to guide us - to pursue God's dream - instead of the American Dream.

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