Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A time to listen...

I've subscribed to several thought provoking e-newsletters recently. One arrived in my box this morning and served as a pleasant reminder to not only stop and remember what this season is all about, but also to shut up, stop and remember what this season is all about! This e-newsletter was Dorothy Day's essay, "A Time of Waiting" ( ). I highly encourage reading her thoughts on the season! I usually view advent as a time of waiting. With small children at home waiting has become an active time - a time of diversion, a time to entertain, a time to be avoided if at all possible! Day's understanding of advent as silence is not only a message we need to hear, it's essential! I've often found with those in my ministry care too much time is spent with God telling, and not enough time listening. I suppose that is also true for me. These words have sparked in me a longing for Day's "Long Loneliness" - a desire to rekindle the God connection within my soul, a desire for silence of speach, of work, of ministry, of life for a bit, so that I can hear and truly experience the coming of God once again into my life and the world.

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