Sunday, December 12, 2004

The (Absolute) Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

Tonight we witnessed The Best Christmas pageant Ever.... Or at least the latest attempt to produce that hysterical play based on the book of the same title (written by Barbara Robinson, Harper and Row, 1972). What made the play so special? Why, my two children, of course! They were the most perfect angels in the angel choir - Natalie with garland halo 'a bouncing upon her head (her constant nodding to keep it moving helped a bit), and Nick with his wings protruding just about his shoulders, his halo placed just so, held tightly in place by the headband at his temples, cushioned by the not-so-delicately wrapped pieces of facial tissue (giving the appearance of white flowers tucked behind his ears!). Joy, joy! The story always gets me - the Herdmans, the town bullies and misfits, show up at church just in time to join the annual production of the Christmas play. To everyone's surprise instead of ruining the production, their wide-eyed wonder and improvisations give the play a raw reality and bring the real meaning of Christmas home to the community. My favorite scenes include a tired, bedraggled, dirty and unkept Mary crying rocking and nuzzling baby Jesus as the Angel Choir softly sings carols behind her and the Angel of the Lord shouting to the shepherds, "Hey, Unto You a Child is Born!" I think we often get so caught up the stuff of this season that we miss out on the baby snuggling next to his tender, but tired and probably a bit confused mom. I think I often need someone to get my attention by shouting in my face, "Hey, Unto You a Child is Born." Maybe then I'll go find a newborn babe to stare at for a while, just to soak in the innocence there; just to find the recent incarnation of spirit freshly bestowed in human life.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Oh, yeah...the Herdmans! I love the gifts they bring...doesn't one bring a ham or something?!?!

Great I've gotta go in the basement and find it!