Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Its a process

Some have asked about the conversation I had with Franklin that he quoted in Gathering last night. Here is what I said:
Need leads to Hope
Hope leads to Faith
Faith leads to Love
Love leads to Grace
Grace leads to Peace

We are all in process. Sometimes we are stuck between two points, leaving us feeling confused, out of sorts and without direction. While we fear we are stagnating, we are actually in a very necessary place of growth. We must have those times of discontent before we can move to the solid footing of a new perspective with new insights into ourselves, our experiences, and to see others in a new light. It's a process.

1 comment:

Adam W. said...

Wow. After my last post, reading this was huge. It's a very short little thing, but still. I didn't even know you had a blogspot 'til I noticed it on your FB about two minutes ago. Seriously, that was huge reading that just now.
Thanks for the words! Have a great birthday, and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!