Friday, March 04, 2005

Dad had a saying...

Just got the following email from my mom:
Papa used to say, "There is one Month of the year which has a command," Today is that day of that Month " MARCH FOURTH" That came to mind yesterday as I was looking at the calendar. He observed that command every day of his life. What ever he was going to do, he went at it with determination and dogged stubborness. Not to be deterred by anything. God Bless you each one as you go today. March Forth with confidence and committment. I love you.

It is cool to hear of things those important to us have said. I don't remember dad giving this particular advice. However, it is now locked away in my memory - I will use it mysef from now on! There are many things on my to be done list that I need to give some attention to today. It's way too easy for me to procrastinate, doing the fun things I'd rather do. Funny how when one needs prompting it often comes from the most unlikely sources!

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Nathan, I just happened upon your blog by chance, and the couple of posts about your dad made me so happy. I was one of 'his guys' at the BSU at Ga Southern during the early 70's (and yes, I remember playing basketball with you and probably have some pictures of you and your family in my books). He was a most special Godly man and I spent quite a few hours with him as I neared graduation and was looking for God's plan in my life. I lived in the BSU apartment for a year and always had to risk getting caught by him when we would adjust the thermostat even a degree! Your dad helped to form me into the Christian man I am today who works with high school and college students in my church because of his love for young people.
Jimmy Cochran